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Board of Directors

The Board has the overall task of optimally managing the company’s affairs on behalf of the shareholders. The Board shall continuously assess the financial situation of the company and adopt the budget and annual financial statements. Furthermore, the Board is responsible for developing and monitoring the company’s strategies through plans and objectives, major investments, appointments of and remuneration to the CEO and senior executives, as well as ongoing monitoring of operations during the year.

The Board is responsible for ensuring that the company has sound internal control. Each year the Board adopts authorisation instructions, instructions for financial reporting and rules of procedure for the Board of Directors which, together with instructions to the CEO, regulate matters such as the division of duties between the Board and the chief executive officer.

The Chair of the Board leads the Board’s work and ensures that it is conducted in compliance with the Swedish Companies Act, relevant regulations and good practices. The Chair is also responsible for maintaining contact with corporate management, as well as for ensuring that the Board’s decisions are appropriately implemented.

At each Board meeting, the Board reviews current business conditions, the company’s financial position and performance, prospects for the remainder of the year and selected topics such as product development, marketing and sales, budget and long-term business planning.

Jesper Kärrbrink
Jesper Kärrbrink

Independent in relation to the company and its management,
as well as major shareholders.

Born in: 1964
Education: Business Administration, Örebro University.
Current assignment: Advisor and board member.
Previous assignments: .CEO, Mr Green Ltd, Euroflorist AB, Eniro AB, Svenska Spel, AB, Bonniers Veckotidningar, Bonnier Interaktiv, Metro International, Östersunds-Posten
Board member since: 2023
Shareholding: 12.000
Other appointments: Internet Vikings Holding AB, FUBUKI AB, DeWiz Golf AB, TBGE Holding AB.

Fredrik Nilsson
Fredrik Nilsson

Independent in relation to the company and its management,
as well as major shareholders.

Born in: 1967
Education: Msc Electrical Engineering
Current assignment: Vice President of the Americas at Axis Communications
Previous assignments: Various management positions within Axis Communications
Board member since: 2021
Shareholding: 30.000
Other appointments: Board member of Security Industry Association, an organisation composed of industry professionals who represent a broad spectrum of electronic security interests.

Andreas Hedskog
Andreas Hedskog

Independent in relation to the company and its management, as well as major shareholders.

Born: 1974
Education: MA University of Cambridge; OPM Harvard Business School; Reserve officer Mj Defense University; SERA IHEDN.
Current assignment: Board professional.
Previous assignments: Entrepreneur who founded 4C Strategies (4C Group AB publ), CEO 2000-2011, Chief Product Officer 2011-2022, Chairman of the Board 2011-ongoing.
Board member since: 2023
Shareholding: 0
Other appointments: Hedskog Equity AB, Haeve AB, Newbury Pharmaceuticals, Säkerhets- och Försvarsföretagen, Snigel Design AB, Stiftelsen Scur, Deputy in Bold Communication Sweden AB.

Helena Holmgren
Helena Holmgren

Independent in relation to the company and its management, as well as major shareholders.

Born: 1976
Education: MSc in Business Administration, Lund University and MBA, Ottawa University
Current assignment: Advisor and board member
Previous assignments:
CEO at Pricer, Partner at Navigio and several CFO and other finance roles
Board member since: 2024
Shareholding: 5.000

Other appointments: Hexatronic, Profoto, ProGlove, Flammentanz Konsult & Invest, Hyakinthos

Charlotte Stjerngren
Charlotte Stjerngren

Independent in relation to the company and its management,
as well as major shareholders.

Born in: 1976
Education: Bachelor of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics and law degree, Stockholm University.
Current assignment: Partner and Investor Relations Advisor at Cord Communications.

Previous assignments: Over ten years' experience as a financial analyst at the investment bank Carnegie, focusing on telecoms, IT and small companies. Broad experience as a financial journalist, including  editor-in-chief of the financial channel, EFN.
Board member since: 2023
Shareholding: 10.000 B-shares through company.
Other appointments: Note AB.